Hello WorldΒΆ

The most basic Pixie program

;Pixie comments are preceded by a semicolon.
;This whole line is a comment

(println "Hello Neverland")

The following program highlights some functions in Pixie

;This code snippet highlights a basic program in Pixie

(ns hello-neverland) ;declare the namespace

(print "Goodbye world!\n")
;print does not terminate the output with a new line

(loop [x 5]
;a basic loop
  (when (> x 0)
  ;this loop runs while x > 0
    (print (str x "\n"))
    ;string can be built using (str string1 string2 ... stringN)
    (recur (- x 1))))
    ;x is decremented on each interation

(println "Hello Neverland!")
;println terminate the output with a new line